Protest Erupts at Domjur Howrah Against Residential Area Liquor Shops [VIDEO]

By Surojit Malick (TNI Howrah) | TNI Editing Kolkata
Webdesk, TNI Domjur, 18th June, 2017: Today Domjur of Howrah witnessed an alarming incident. It is related to a demonstration by the local women, who protested against a newly constructed liquor shop just adjacent to the walls of a library of a local club. The incident started recently when the owner of the property, a resident of the same area Mr. Prabhat Maity gave the vacant shop on commercial rent adjacent to the local club to a liquor shop owner.
When the news reached the residents, the protested against the deal and demonstrated against the property owner. Later the women together went to Bankra Police outpost and again protested. Today when the works of the liquor shop again started, the women staged a strong demonstration. The police reached the spot and rescued the liquor shop owner from the spot. The local residents were protesting against the construction of liquor shop adjacent to the Library. The police could not come to a solution till last reports came in.
Photo & Video: Surojit Malick (TNI)